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Garden Delights is the vegetable and herb production business of Shamrock Acres, our five acre farm in Hockinson.  As part of our farm management, we compost our cow and horse waste in a state of the art forced aeration compost system.  Big Al, the chief composter, runs the operation full time, carefully monitoring temperature, moisture content, and air flow to ensure a quality product with minimal weed seeds and pathogens.  The system was purchased from O2 Compost in Snohomish, WA. 
Compost is used on our pastures, gardens, and landscaping to return nutrients to the soil.  It is also available for your garden and landscaping, just send us an e-mail at

Chief composter, Big Al, showcases his custom built compost bin - one of four different bins just behind our barn.

How do you fill the bin?  You build a ramp - custom built to the highest specifications - he is an engineer, so we wouldn't expect anything less!

Finished compost, just about to come out of the bin.

Finished compost laid out in the sun to dry and ready to be picked up.

One of our main supply sources for our compost - our steers, Penn and Teller.

The main source for our compost, our beloved horses, BJ (white horse) and Fudgy (brown horse).